A book is checked out, how can I get it? (Recall)


If you are eligible to recall materials, you may place a recall request on a regularly circulating item that is currently checked out. Once the recall request has been made, the patron who currently has the item will have about two weeks to return the item. Recalls may be placed in the library or from a personal computer in the following manner:

To recall:

  1. Locate the item in the online catalog.
  2. Click on the "Place a Recall" link.
  3. Enter your Auburn username and password. 
  4. Click on the "Sign in" button.
  5. Click the link for "Recall."
  6. Enter your 12-digit barcode number in the space marked "Barcode".
  7. Click on the "Submit Request" button. A message that states "Your patron initiated request was successful" will appear if the recall is successfully completed.

Visit the Circulation Desk or call (334) 844-1701 if you have any questions or encounter any difficulties.


  • Last Updated Aug 20, 2019
  • Views 508
  • Answered By -- askalibrarian

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