How do I access the Alabama Virtual Library?


Auburn students, faculty, and staff have access to databases and much more through Auburn University Libraries' databases page

Those Alabama citizens who are not associated with Auburn University can access a selection of databases through the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL).  Visit to the AVL's resources website to find a list of databases available through the AVL. The Alabama Virtual Library is a wonderful resource for finding articles on a variety of research interests, and the only requirement to use AVL is being a resident of Alabama.

If you currently reside in Alabama (and aren't affiliated with Auburn), simply go to the Alabama Virtual Library's homepage to start searching. 

Thanks to geolocation, there is no need to log in in order to use the AVL's resources, as long as you are accessing the site from within Alabama. If you live near the state lines or are trying to access AVL through a mobile device you may be asked for a password. If you are having trouble logging in, or will need to access the AVL from outside of the state, you may need to visit your local public library.  More information is available on AVL's frequently asked questions page

  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2019
  • Views 1189
  • Answered By Bridget Farrell

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