Can I keyword search the full-text of the AU Libraries eBook collection?
Yes and no. You can search each eBook provider's interface for the books owned by AU Libraries while others will allow you to search their entire catalog of eBooks even if the Library does not own it. General eBook providers are eBook Collections(EBSCO) and eBook Central(ProQuest) although there are eBooks available on many subject specific platforms. These include such publishers as Elsevier, Sage, Springer and, Taylor & Frances among others.
For all eBook providers except for EBSCO you have to search the books on the vendor interface, our catalog or Discovery will only allow you to search basic information like author, title, publisher and subjects.
For books from the eBook Collections(EBSCO) you can see from the following image that you actually have "Most relevant pages..." and table of contents pull downs within Discovery: