How can I find a dissertation or thesis?


To find Auburn theses and dissertations:

ALL Auburn University theses and dissertations can be found through the library catalog:  Below are some tips for searching the catalog 

  • To search in the catalog for dissertations and theses by department try typing: "Auburn University Dissertation <department name>" or "Auburn University Theses. <department name>" substituting the name of the department as needed.
  • Undergraduate Honors Theses can also be browsed in the library catalog by typing "Honors theses".
  • To browse Electronic Theses or Dissertations (Fall 2005-present), you can use AUETD, here:

To find theses or dissertations from other institutions:

  • Use the database, ProQuest Dissertation and Theses:  (Note: you must be student, faculty or staff at Auburn to access this database).



  • Last Updated Jul 16, 2019
  • Views 285
  • Answered By Bridget Farrell

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